How Many Paving Contractors Are There in the US? A Comprehensive Look

The total sales figure of paving contractors in the US represents the combined total of sales of flooring, sealed coating, stripes and repairs. Learn more about how many paving contractors are currently operating in the US.

How Many Paving Contractors Are There in the US? A Comprehensive Look

The total sales figure of paving contractors in the US is a reflection of the combined total of sales of flooring, sealed coating, stripes and repairs. Business Valuation Resources (BVR) provides data on offers and markets, news and research, training and publications to help you navigate the COVID-19 crisis. Attentive recently launched a platform for automatically measuring the properties of pavement maintenance contractors. Out of the 50 paving companies, only 39 generate revenues from laying strips, and 14 of those contractors generate less than 5% of revenues from paving.

The average contractor generates 21% of income (22% last year) working as a subcontractor, with figures ranging from 1 to 90%. Contractors will need to rely more than ever on automation and technology to complete the job while labor shortages persist in the paving and construction industry. Paving contractors may have to decide between trying to keep outdated equipment operational and investing in new equipment that complies with new emissions regulations. Although the pavement maintenance business has been considered to be an industry with a low-cost barrier to entry, especially in the segments of sealed coating, signage and repair, the contractors on these lists make significant investments in their fleets.

A recession in the economy is unlikely to improve the shortage of labor to hire pavement maintenance contractors in the country. The increase in sales was due to large contractors participating in the survey for the first time. The number of paving contractors in the US is constantly changing due to market conditions, technological advances, and other factors. To get an accurate count of how many paving contractors are currently operating in the US, it is important to look at data from reliable sources such as Business Valuation Resources (BVR).

BVR provides comprehensive data on offers and markets, news and research, training and publications essential for understanding the current state of the industry. Additionally, Attentive's platform for automatically measuring properties of pavement maintenance contractors can provide valuable insights into how many companies are currently operating. The number of paving contractors in the US is also affected by labor shortages. As labor shortages persist in the paving and construction industry, contractors will need to rely more heavily on automation and technology to complete jobs.

Additionally, contractors may have to decide between trying to keep outdated equipment operational or investing in new equipment that complies with new emissions regulations. Despite this, many contractors are still making significant investments in their fleets. Finally, it is important to note that a recession in the economy is unlikely to improve the shortage of labor for hiring pavement maintenance contractors. However, an increase in sales was observed due to large contractors participating in surveys for the first time.